Pinballesque, prototype 1

Here’s the pinball redesign I’ve been working on for the last couple of weeks:

Play Pinballesque

  • As I mentioned in the previous post, I want the goals in pinball to have more internal consistency underlying them. I’ve made a combo system where you get points if you collect colours in some kind of pattern (consecutive repeats, rainbows etc.). Sorry colour-blind folks, I really ought to add symbols too but I haven’t gotten to that yet.
  • You can move the flippers from side to side. They rotate as they move to allow a range of shot angles, so I can tighten the flippers’ flick angle down, which reduces the precision of the timing that a player needs to hit a target.
  • They’re also gigantic flippers with a very gentle slope. All to get a larger timing window.
  • I’m still playing around with different schemes for moving the flippers. I ought to play around with different input -> response curves.
  • Always keeping the pair of flippers adjacent to each other felt too Breakout-ish. Making one flipper mirror the other made transferring the ball from flipper to flipper really hard, as did moving them in synchronisation on their own halves of the track. I haven’t tried mapping them to thumbsticks yet, but it’s promising.
  • It’s hard to evaluate how successful I’ve been with the crappy table design. I feel like there’s a ton of room to improve on that, but table design is tricky and it really is a time sink.
  • For fun I put in some tinkly marimba notes with pitches driven by the sequence of colours.

First impressions of Unity’s 2D support

  • The sprite renderer looks handy. I dig the new editor handles and the atlasing support.
  • The 2D physics engine is way less configurable than PhysX, and I regret that I didn’t just use 3D physics with one dimension and 2 rotation axes locked. It’s missing some really obvious stuff: moving/rotating objects without teleporting to the final position, a ConfigurableJoint equivalent, configurable bounce/penetration thresholds and so on.
  • That said, being able to edit the polygon of the PolygonCollider from inside the editor is really, really convenient. (Shift and Ctrl click on the collider outline)

Sound in Unity

This is my first time using sound in Unity. The built-in support is monomaniacally focused on sound in 3D environments without any of the other stuff a game typically needs (control over polyphony, priority/duplicate handling, ducking, loop boundaries and loop mode, variant sounds). I previously thought GUIs were the most unloved part of Unity (and the most likely to be summarily replaced with an Asset Store hack), but sound’s definitely a contender.

(I love that it has tracker module support out of the box, although  - characteristically - there’s no control over the playback. No channel volumes, no tempo control, no seeking to patterns)

The dumbest thing is that FMod is built into Unity, you just can’t see any of it from the script layer. My former co-workers, the Curry Brothers, have managed to do an end run around this by writing C# bindings for an FMod DLL that they include along with the exe. Surprisingly you don’t need Unity Pro for this. It won’t work for web player builds, of course, but it’s an interesting possibility for a full game.

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